A Crowned Jewel In the Desert




Death Valley - perhaps one of the cruelest low deserts in the world, bears all the conditions just fitting to its ghastly name. Shelters are badly needed here, not only within this specific location but across all deserts and low deserts alike. As designers, we always commit ourselves to creating a better world. Therefore, we decided to set up our site within Death Valley as the epitome of low deserts and sincerely hope our design can bring a bit of comfort to those who need it the most. Death is not the end of all things, for there is magic in death. It represents a new beginning for blossoming life – a catalyst of burgeoning change, and harbinger of life in death. The harsher the environment, the stronger the will to thrive, to stand out, and to be remarkably unique. “Life in Death”. That is our concept.



Design process & background justifications

The sweltering weather and the baking hot direct sunlight here is one of the main reasons why Death Valley is so uninhabitable. However, not dissimilar to our concept “life in death”, there are merits we can take from all this unyielding sunshine. The difference lies in the point of outlook. Solar cell fabrics, or more specifically fabrics with embedded photovoltaic (PV) cells that generate electricity when exposed to light, is this exact turning point. By capitalizing on this material, the shelter will have the never-ending renewable clean energy. After all, if there is one thing that low deserts do not lack, it is the abundance of sunlight.

The only drawback to this approach, is that most solar cell fabrics are not water resistant as water will seep through. That is why right below the solar cell fabrics, among areas that shy away from direct sunlight, will be covered by architecture fabrics to create a harmonious look integrated shade, and increased water resistance. Of course, the material of the unseen structural framework is just as important as its glamorous coats. Since we have chosen to design for such a unique site, protecting this incredible landscape and minimizing potential construction damages are our first and foremost priorities. To achieve this goal, the weight of the shelter becomes an important consideration. Taking into account the geological conditions in Death Valley, a lightweight structure can be pinned to the soil to stabilize, and as a result no deep foundations will be necessary. Aluminum alloy’s density is one-third of steel. It is durable, reusable, lightweight, and perfect to be used as our structural frame to hold up the shapes and overall integrity.



applications & collaborations

The grand hammer of nature is always at work, forging uncanny wonders in scales we often neglect at first. Billions of years can go by, water, wind, thunder, and fire - every piece of stone and every grain of sand have their own story to tell. The power of nature spans across entire geological scales to sculpt these amazing landscapes we see today. It is our responsibility to protect this great beauty. We asked a geologist to help us understand the geological conditions and makeup of our site, the story behind the rocks moved us and inspired us to create the shelter with minimized damage to the landscape. In addition to ensure the design is viable in real life, we certainly collaborated with several engineers and other industry-related professionals.

For one we consulted with a thermal dynamic physicist and engineer in understanding cooling/heating applications and how to design for airflow in facilitating the cooling processes in desert areas. We also got to work with a structural engineer in calculating loads and spreading even bearings across our structural framework. Lastly, we cooperated with architects, interior designers, and a fabric specialist in hopes that we can cover as much design considerations, design solutions, and design details as we can. We believe that collaboration generates exchange of thoughts. It is only through this exchange will one spawn great ideas and widen horizons.